How Can I Help?


it’s not sunshine and roses here either, but It’s better. How can I Help you get to “better”? Vote with the poll at the end of this post!

Do you have two voices in your head?

One that says: “Oh! Do it like that because that is how Mom did it!” and one that says: “That is NOT something I ever want to do to my kids” ?

I can imagine the struggle in your brain has reached peek crazy now that everyone is home during this pandemic. That inner struggle is probably having the unintended consequence of making you feel bad no matter the choice you make isn’t it?

I certainly have hit my limit and then some. My Inner Critic has been PSYCHED and ready to pounce. My habitual responses come swooping in and my wisdom and clarity quickly fog over. Prior to this “new normal” I never knew how much downtime I had actually built into my schedule — that is just gone now:

The typical downtime you may have commuting to and from work — gone.

The Typical downtime while you wait for your coffee to be made — gone.

The typical downtime you may have eating your lunch — gone.

The typical downtime you may have talking to a friend at work — gone.

The Typical Downtime you may have had going to yoga once a week — gone.

The Typical DOwntime You may have had going to grab a gallon of milk — gone.

What this tells me is little pieces of you are gone too. The foundational supports that hold up your patience, perseverance and reserves of motherly strength — gone.

So I ask you - What do you need right now? How can I help?

Every day I send friends schedules and themes for curriculum or ideas for entertaining their babies for more than 5 seconds. I can also do these things for you, but I wonder if there isn’t something more that we are needing right now? Something that maybe the 100 million parenting and activity sites out there don’t offer? Maybe you need someone to talk to? Maybe you need someone that could offer a shoulder to cry on? Do you want someone to help you find the silver lining in all this? I can share what is working for me, what has allowed me to stop crying every day and reach the semi-better place I am in? Being in that new place has allowed me the time to write, the time to think clearly and the time to help. What can I do for you?

Share anonymously below — thank you so much. We can do this — I know we can.

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