Parenting Imperfectly IRL : Week 38, 2021

Here’s what the past week (week 38, 2021) was like for me on my quest to parent differently.

My intentions are:

To be kind, to model apologies, to give myself grace

and to find gratitude in every moment.

Last week was a nice calm week which kicked off with World Gratitude Day AND International Day of Peace - I want to start all weeks with that much positivity!

Now that the school year is in full swing the tough mornings are back as well as the return of “hating school” - the novelty wore off quick! Do you have a child you hates school? What do you do to help them stay positive?


I am in the middle of reading the book “The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good For You and How to get Good at It” by Kelly McGonigal and so far I love the actionable advice offered. One suggestion in the book was to look to your values when you are stressed. So I made this for my phone background…

And when I feel stressed I will look at my values and it’s supposed to help shift my mindset away from the stress and instead towards the meaning in my life. I’m excited to see it in action!

IMG_4029 2.JPG

I am yearning to be able to rest like my cat does * as needed * and have started to include 10 minutes of hammock time before school pick up to my schedule.

I hope you have a great week!


p.s. Despite the nights getting chillier, I am still in denial about Fall.

parentingStef TousignantIRL